
最近迷上一個部落格-漢奸的生活週記. 最初是因為被格主-花花小姐 的便當所吸引, 她做的便當實在令人嘆為觀止,精雕細琢,賞心悅目像幅畫般,真是賢慧的日本媽媽!


後來持續被她的幽默所吸引.突然有天晚上看到這篇文章-點這裡, 在大半夜裡的讓我笑不可抑,連眼淚都噴出來要用面紙擦拭. 已經快睡著的老爺,狐疑的睜眼看我,大概已為我瘋了,幹嘛笑成這樣,恐怖耶. 我也沒法向他這個外國人解釋,他無法體會啦.


怎麼有人文筆這麼好,可以用趕羚羊ˎ草枝擺」把台語翻成國語,完全不見粗俗,還意境幽遠. 我會笑成這樣,是因為那也我的父親與叔叔們的愛用語,他們不見得是罵人時候用,連興奮高興時也會脫口而出的口頭禪. 唉呀喂呀,實在笑死我了.









married joke...


Three women friends, one in a casual relationship, one engaged to be married and one a long-time wife, met for drinks after work. The conversation eventually drifted towards how best to spice up their sex lives. After much discussion, they decided to surprise their men by engaging in some S&M role playing. The following week they met up again to compare notes.


Sipping her drink, the single girl leered and said, 'Last Friday at the end of the work day I went to my boyfriend's office wearing a leather coat. When all the other people had left, I slipped out of it and all I had on was a leather bodice, black stockings and stiletto heels. He was so aroused that we made mad passionate love on his desk right then and there!'


The engaged woman giggled and said, 'That's pretty much my story! When my fiance got home last Friday, he found me waiting for him in a black mask, leather bodice, black hose and stiletto pumps. He was so turned
on that we not only made love all night, he wants to move up our wedding date!


The married woman put her glass down and said, 'I did a lot of planning. I made arrangements for the kids to stay over at Grandma's. I took a long scented-oil bath and then put on my best perfume. I slipped into a tight leather bodice, a black garter belt, black stockings and six-inch stilettos. I finished it off with a black mask,ready for action. When my husband got home from work, he grabbed a beer and the remote,sat down and yelled, 'Hey, Batman, what's for dinner?' 


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